Home / News / GSC2 is in production, the second-generation bracelet developed by Gabi SmartCare!

GSC2 is in production, the second-generation bracelet developed by Gabi SmartCare!

As you know, we want to revolutionize pediatric medicine. Our connected bracelet measures the vital parameters of children and transmits them in real time to our digital platform. To better diagnose and treat children and better support parents and doctors.

This first production run is what we call in the jargon the pre-series. It’s very important because it will be officially tested to obtain certification from the FDA, the US Federal Food and Drug Administration. Only the FDA has the power to authorise the marketing of drugs in the US.

The GSC2 is the result of intense work by our teams: it incorporates all the improvements and learnings from the first generation. Huge congrats to them!

We look forward to many children testing our new wristband so that we can better understand patients and doctors and provide them with a solution tailored to their needs.